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Our courses will help you grow your career by providing you all of the skills needed to take you to the next level.
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Our Values

God Honouring | Whakamānawatanga
Firstly, honouring God and then others – staff, students, stakeholders, and others we connect with.
Tuatahi, ka whakamana i te Atua, tuarua, ka whakahōnore i te tangata, ahakoa ko wai, ahakoa nō whea.

Innovative | Auahatanga
The ability, capacity to look for and see new and fresh ways of doing and approaching things, to improve outcomes and opportunities for others. This may be in small or big ways.
Te āhei ki te titiro whakamua me te rapu i ētehi ara rerekē e nui kē atu ai ngā hua.

Relational | Whakawhanaungatanga
Placing value on connection with people, over things. The essence of walking long term with people, iwi, organisations even through struggles.
Ko te tangata te mea nui. Ka whakatairangahia te poipoi me te atawhai i te tangata i roto i ngā piki me ngā heke o ngā tau.

Purposeful | Whaitake
Being focused and determined to reach a desired and shared outcome.
Ka ū, ka ūpoko pakaru mātou ki te whakatutuki i ō mātou wawata.

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Who We Are

Vision College is a charitable company born out of a desire to invest into the future of New Zealand and the world by growing people. Since 1984, thousands of people have benefitted from the dedication of our staff and their support for learners of all ages and backgrounds. Our staff enjoy the challenge and satisfaction of this mission, seeing changed lives and people growing toward their full potential.

We have students from both New Zealand and a wide range of international students, making a rich cultural environment across our campuses and equipping people for life! Around 90% of NZ Secondary Schools use resources developed by our division Instant Education Solutions, and our dedicated team of writers are on a continuous path of improving an already excellent range of products based on customer feedback and changing government requirements. 

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